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Heat-Shrink Material Canusa Corrosion Protection 4 pipes
This material serves as a sealing system especially for district heating joints on pre- insulated pipes, as well as a high quality corrosion protection system for the entire range of steel and cast iron pipelines, espe- cially for high-profile pipeline parts. Our shrink materials are available for your par- ticular application as tubular shrink sleeves, wrap-around shrink sleeves or on a bulk roll.
Shrinkable Sleeves
Installation Guide
Data Sheets
Shrink Material  Corrosion Protection
Demo videoK-60 Demo videoGTS-65
Canusa Heat Shrink Products for District Heating 4 pipes
Canusa Superseal products are used to seal PIP sleeve joints and district heating pipe- lines. Canusa SuperSeal heat-shrink materials are available as tubular shrink sleeves, wrap-around shrink sleeves or on a bulk roll. End caps and 4 pipes accessories complete the range.
4 pipes heat shrink  products for District  Heating/Butyles
Data Sheets
Installation Guide
+49 (0)911.81006-0